Highly skilled Project Expert and European Law Lecturer
She was graduated in International Law, in Milan’s State University. She holds a master in Project Planning and Development from Innovation Business School, in Brussels.
Her work is focused on the teaching process, in European Law. Within this subject, she has a good command of the entire process of Albania’s pathway to the candidate status. In the field of project management she has taken part in learning the process from the beginning: building the partnership, creating the concept idea and, the entire project: writing and implementing.
From September 2015 until September 2019 she was the executive director of Barleti Institute for Research and Development with excellent result. She is an independent expert of research and innovation of European Commission and actively involved in research, education and innovation projects, at national and international level, in collaboration with worldwide leading companies, universities and research centers.
Within this topic, lately, she has been selected by IOM mission to Albania as International Consultant on Project Development.
From September 2017 until December 2018, she has been alongside the State Minister for Diaspora, as advisor and chief of staff, being an integral part of the establishment of the new institutions for Diaspora members. She has been the designer and writer of the project “Engage the Albanian Diaspora to the Social and Economic Development of Albania” assuring the success of the project proposal.
From September 2019 she is leading Adriapol Institute-Smart and Creative Growth.