Irina Tosheva – fashion designer

Irina Tosheva holds Master of Arts degree in Fashion Design, from Accademia Italiana in Florence, Italy. Concentrating on wearable clothes her design is defined as fresh, fun and forward thinking. Her collections are regularly presented within the Fashion Weekend Skopje and fashion weeks abroad. What has always distinguished Tosheva in the Macedonian fashion scene is the innovative approach to materials and techniques in her work, but also the constant urge to go beyond the classical understanding of the functions “fashion designer” and “fashion” as primarily aesthetic, and to dive into the social, ethical and their ecological understanding of these terms. Irina is collaborating with many artists and designers in projects which goal is to improve social inclusion and provide better opportunities to vulnerable categories. She considers these approaches as fundamental for creative activism. Tosheva received the Young Leaders for the Sustainable Development Goals Award in 2019.