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We are introducing DIGITCRESHE – a project set to improve Higher Education in the Western Balkans!

The project main mission is to enhance Higher Education programs for the Creative and Cultural Industries across the Western Balkans region by utilizing digital transformation and active learning methods. It is a collaborative effort of 15 partners, among which the Union of the Macedonian professional associations in the creative industries – UMPAKI Skopje.

The main idea of the project is therefore to improve the quality of the Higher Education programmes for the Creative and Cultural Industries in the Western Balkan countries to make students more satisfied with the skills they acquired, to ensure that graduates are more skilled and competitive on the labour market and therefore achieving higher employment rates. This will be achieved through a digital transformation that takes advantage of active learning methodologies and innovative digital educational tools. The project will assess the existing needs in HEI programmes for the CCS, will design, develop and/or adapt curricula, courses, learning materials and implement different learning and collaboration activities for teachers, postgraduates, and graduates. These will take different forms like workshops, intensive study programmes, master classes all in online and offline forms. The project will also create physical facilities (Creative Labs) in the WB HEIs to support those activities. The project will also create a virtual learning and collaborative platform to foster a common approach to tackle these educational approaches in the Western Balkans.
